Working with Flutter Animations and Transitions

Are you ready to take your Flutter app to the next level? Animated animations and transitions can make any app look and feel much more polished, and fortunately, with Flutter, creating beautiful animations is easier than ever before.

Whether you're new to the Flutter framework or an experienced developer looking to expand your skillset, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start creating smooth and engaging animations and transitions in your Flutter mobile app.

What are Animations and Transitions?

Before we dive into creating animations and transitions in Flutter, let's quickly review what they are and how they work.

In simple terms, animations involve changing the state of an element over time. This can be anything from moving an image across the screen to changing the opacity of a widget. Transition, on the other hand, is the act of changing one screen or view to another. It is an essential part of user interface design and helps create a seamless experience for the user.

By combining these two concepts, you can create engaging and delightful visual effects in your Flutter app.

The Anatomy of a Flutter Animation

Animations in Flutter are created by making changes to properties, such as size, position, color, and opacity, over a set period of time. These changes occur in small increments, creating the illusion of motion.

There are three primary components to a Flutter animation:

1. Animation Controller

An animation controller manages the duration and status of an animation. It allows us to start, stop, or pause an animation as needed. The animation controller is responsible for creating a runtime instance of a particular animation, and it is used to set up and manage the animation lifecycle.

2. Animation

An animation holds the current value of the animation and is responsible for updating it over time. An animation is given a range of values between 0 and 1, with 0 being the starting point and 1 being the ending point. It interpolates the values between the start and end points based on the duration and curve set.

3. Animation Builder

An animation builder is a widget that allows us to build and modify an animation's properties in real-time. It is responsible for rendering the current value of an animation and updating the UI when the animation changes.

Now that we have a better understanding of the components that make up a Flutter animation, let's take a look at how to create one.

Creating an Animation in Flutter

Let's say we want to create an animation that moves a widget from the bottom of the screen to the top. To accomplish this, we'll need to create an animation controller, an animation, and an animation builder.

First, we need to create the animation controller:

AnimationController _controller = AnimationController(
  duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
  vsync: this,

Next, we need to create the animation:

Animation<Offset> _animation = Tween<Offset>(
  begin: const Offset(0, 1),
  end: const Offset(0, 0),

Here, we're using a Tween to define the start and end points of the animation. In this case, we're starting at the bottom of the screen and ending at the top.

Finally, we need to create an animation builder:

  position: _animation,
  child: Container(

The SlideTransition widget takes the position property, which is our newly created animation. It applies the position changes to its child widget, in this case, a container.

Now, when we call _controller.forward(), the widget will animate from the bottom of the screen to the top.

Creating Transitions in Flutter

Creating transitions in Flutter is very similar to creating animations, with a few key differences. Instead of manipulating properties over time, we're transitioning between two different screens or views.

To create a transition between two screens, we'll use the Navigator widget. The Navigator widget manages a stack of routes and allows us to push and pop them off the stack.

To add a transition effect when navigating between screens, we'll use the MaterialPageRoute widget. This widget defines a transition between two screens using a platform-native animation.

For example, let's say we want to create a simple transition between two screens:

    builder: (context) => SecondScreen(),

To add a transition effect, all we need to do is pass the transitionDuration and transitionBuilder properties to the MaterialPageRoute widget:

    builder: (context) => SecondScreen(),
    transitionDuration: Duration(seconds: 1),
    transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
      return FadeTransition(
        opacity: animation,
        child: child,

Here, we're using the FadeTransition widget as our transition builder, with the passed in animation property being used to animate the opacity of the second screen from 0 to 1.


Animations and transitions are an essential part of user interface design and can make any app look and feel much more polished. In Flutter, creating engaging and delightful visual effects is easier than ever, thanks to its powerful animation and transition frameworks.

In this guide, we covered the basic concepts of animations and transitions in Flutter and walked through examples of creating both. We hope this will serve as a useful reference for your future mobile app development projects.

Remember, the key to creating great animations and transitions is to keep them subtle and tasteful. With a little practice, you'll be able to create gorgeous and smooth visuals for your Flutter app that will impress your users and make their experience even more enjoyable.

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